Reading Comprehension 3 Unit 31 Clever Girl
1. artful
2. beloved
3. conditions
4. cunning
5. debt
6. determine
7. especially
8. forgive
9. latter
10. lucky
11. married off
12. misfortunate
13. noticed
14. owe
15. own
16. path
17. prison
18. remain
19. settle
20. starve
21. suitable
22. ugly
23. unfortunate

Transform the voice of the sentences.

1. Many years ago a person could be put in prison for debts.
2. A merchant in London had owed a great sum of money to his money-lender.
3. The money-lender is coming up with an offer to forgive the debt.
4. The unfortunate father is shocked by his money-lender's offer.